Cooperation with trusted partners, who are specialists in their fields, allows the holistic and most efficient way to carry out effective subological treatments and therapies.

The Gamma Medical Center, like the Satin cabinets, is the world’s highest level of service. The collaboration between the Gamma Medical Center, specializing in orthopaedics and traumatology of the motion organ and the Satin subologies, allows a holistic way to carry out therapies within the feet, combining the competences of specialists of Subology and Orthopits Surgeons.
Subological problems that are not adequately addressed may result in severe orthopedic consequences. The orthopedic changes within the organ of the Movement (with particular emphasis on the lower limb) often result in disrupting subological problems. The goal of our cooperation is professional and effective care of even the most demanding patients and holistic therapy of problems within the feet and legs. Patients, who apply to our cabinets, can count on comprehensive diagnosis and plan therapies to relieve the risk of relapse as soon as possible.
Kerpro is a professional subological shop supplying offices throughout Poland. From the very beginning of our cabinets, Kerpro is our constant partner, which provides us with the highest quality cosmetics and preparations, tools and equipment in the form of: subological armchairs, milling, chairs, lamps, cabinets and many others. With the company Kerpro we are also strongly bound by their contribution to the development of the subology. By collaborating with subologists across the country, Kerpro continually introduces new products and solutions that effectively improve the results and reduce the duration of treatment.
Aesculap Chifa is a company of the international group B. Braun Melsungen AG. Chifa Company manufactures medical tools with global quality parameters. Chifa’s medical products are made from selected surgical steel and their design provides light and extremely efficient work. All tools used in Satin cabinets are characterized by the highest quality of workmanship and according to the principles of hygiene and safety are subjected to the process of disinfection and sterilisation.
Baehr is a German company dedicated to the production of cosmetics, preparations, tools, disposable products and equipment for the widely understood cosmetic, cosmetology and subcological market. Baehr is one of the leaders of the world’s Subology, whose contribution to the development of this area, not only in Germany, is invaluable. Baehr cooperates with most of the European market, including our regular supplier of preparations, cosmetics, tools and equipment, which is Kerpro.
Sidas is a world leader in the development of technology that improves the comfort of footwear users, especially sports. In cooperation with Sidas, in the Satin cabinets we offer the service to perform individually selected orthopedic inserts. Based on Sidas Solutions, the Satin physiotherapist takes into account all the necessary correction of postural defects and selects the appropriate functional materials, which under the influence of the temperature become plastic, which allows the execution of orthopedic inserts, For maximum comfort and therapeutic and preventive action.
Divine Feet is the first nationwide information portal devoted to health and care issues within the foot. On the portal you can find a lot of information and valuable tips on caring for your foot health. On the Divine feet are also information about the best cosmetics and skincare preparations, and comprehensive descriptions and explanations of various subological problems. Our podologists actively participate in the creation of the portal, sharing their knowledge and experience.
The Synevo group is a network of medical laboratories that have been operating in Poland since 2002. The company is also present in Germany, Turkey, Romania, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Belarus, Russia, Bulgaria and Serbia. In cooperation with the medical laboratories Synevo, We perform tests: Mixing, bacteriological and histopathological. Synevo stands for high quality and a team of professionals specialising in many fields of medical laboratory diagnosis.